Monday, October 09, 2006

10-Year Reunion and Yvette's Big News

Me, Jessica, Natalie, Yvette & Sherry
Well, it's been 10 years since I graduated from Mt. Carmel and we had our reunion on Saturday night at the Ernst Cafe in the Warehouse District. The reunion was ok...I was glad to see my old high school friends Natalie and Jessica, plus Yvette was in town from Atlanta and told me some very exciting news. Yvette and her husband Brian are expecting their first child in June!!!!!!! I am so excited for her! I actually started screaming when she told me. I know her parents are super excited, too, and have been waiting for this for a long time. Morgan has been their "practice grandchild" since she was born, so they now will be pros when Yvette's baby gets here. And I'm sure her super talented party planner sister Meredith(who helped so much with my parents' anniversary party) has already started planning the baby shower! Anyway, back to the reunion...Kirk and I had planned on staying the night at the Astor where we had a free 2-night stay; however, that was quickly changed when Morgan called up with a tummy ache. We picked her up from Kirk's sister, cancelled the reservation and drove back to Mandeville. I was actually ok with it and ready to climb into my own bed. Morgan, of course, felt better as soon as we got home that night. I still can't believe I graduated 10 years ago!


steele family said...

are you glad you went now?! you look great!

Sherry said...

It was fun, you have to admit! It was so nice having everyone in one spot! How often does that happen? Not often enough!!!

Natalie said that she is doing the 11 year reunion but it's going to be a free picnic! You have competition for the 11 year, Cici!

Chrishelle said...

No, uh uh! Nat, I already claimed the can take the 12-year, Sher will have 13th, Jess can have 14th and Kerri, you'll take 15th since you didn't have to go to this one. Word to Big Bird!