Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jared's Birthday Party

Hana, Eden & Morgan

Jared showing off his new Heely's(shoes w/ wheels on the heel)

Singing "Happy Birthday"

Saya cutting the ice cream cake

Today we drove to Long Beach, MS for my nephew Jared's 10th birthday party. My sister-in-law Saya made lots of yummy Japanese was a full spread! And then we had delicious ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Morgan has already asked for one on her birthday but I had to inform her we don't have a Dairy Queen on the Northshore, so maybe I'll have to find one from somewhere else. Also, today is my friend Yvette's birthday! She lives in Atlanta, so no birthday party for her, but maybe we can celebrate when she comes in town for Thanksgiving. Happy Birthday, Yvette!


Sherry said...

Get her one from Marble Slab! Don't ya'll have one in Mandeville or Covington?

That cake does look yummy!

Chrishelle said...

Maybe the cake lady could start making ice cream cakes! We have a Marble Slab or a Cold Stone or something like that in Mandeville. That cake was VERY yummy...poor Saya could barely cut it though.

Anonymous said...

i saw some ice cream cakes today and it made me wish my b-day would get here faster

Anonymous said...

My grandkids are so adorable!! Miss them all.