Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Last Day at WLAE

Directing my Last Show

Me Being Goofy (My former boss Ron in the background)
The Lunch Crew (Dave, Jay and Me)

Monday was my very last day at WLAE. :( It was very weird packing up my stuff and leaving at the end of the day. Our usual "lunch crew" went to eat at Drago's Restaurant for lunch and then I had to direct 3 shows. I started Fore!Kids today...trying to settle in and get started on some things. It's a VERY long drive to get there and back. It took me 1 hour and 15 minutes this morning. But I'm excited and ready to be busy.

In other news, Morgan had a doubleheader this past Friday and scored a run...yippee!!!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. I know that you will miss the gang at WLAE. We are so proud of you and of Morgan too!!

steele family said...

good luck at the new job!

Anonymous said...

i was wondering when u were going to update this thing. congrats on starting the new job. hope it continues to go well!

Sherry said...

Yay!! I am so happy for you! You look great, by the way! Pink is your color! I am very happy that you found a job that you are really happy with. I know you'll miss the "crew" at LAE but I know you will love this new gig!

Chrishelle said...

You won't believe how busy I already am getting. I have 5 meetings scheduled for next week as of right now.