Thursday, January 04, 2007

LSU 41 - Notre Dame 14!!

G O T I GE R S !!

OK, I know I'm normally not an LSU fan, but I was able to get some Sugarbowl tickets for Kirk & I to go watch LSU beat Notre Dame. It was my anniversary present to him since Sunday will be our 2nd anniversary. We had excellent seats, other than the crazy Notre Dame fans behind us who kept yelling and clapping. We were in the club level on the 45-yard line...not too shabby! You would not believe how many LSU fans were in the Dome. We hardly saw any Notre Dame fans. We had lots of fun and were glad to be able to go. Kirk as never been to the Sugarbowl before, so he was glad his 1st one was when LSU was playing!

Start of 4th Quarter

Having Fun at the Game (yes, I'm wearing an LSU hat, so be quiet)

LSU's Cheerleaders (the girl on the right end is Morgan's old coach at St. Dominic...Go Jamie!)


Sherry said...

You look cute in your LSU visor! Glad you both had a fun time! Looks like it was a great game. I would not know - I was asleep by 9pm. I woke up and saw the news and the LSU fans were cheering so I assumed that they won.

steele family said...

sounds like fun, i too was asleep before the 2nd quarter was over! Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that they won! I like you in orange though!! Just kidding. I know you are excited.

Anonymous said...

That was me. Forgot to sign my name. Bad day!

Anonymous said...
