Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Snowboarding Day 2

Going Down the Mountain (notice the snow on the back of my pants from falling)
Kirk Looking Like a Pro

Tuesday was our last day to hit the slopes and since we still had the snowboards, that's what we were going to do. After a few quick warm-up runs on the small Sweet Pea slope, we took the lift up to the green trail again. My first run down included many falls, but I was finally starting to get the hang of it. By the end of the day and 6 runs later, I was almost a pro...yeah, right! But I was down to two or three falls instead of one every few feet. If we had one more day, I'm sure I'd being able to go down without falling. They say it takes a good 3 days to get good at snowboarding. I wanted to see if they were right. I can say that if you are going to try snowboarding, make sure to wear LOTS of padding and get a helmet. Oh, and expect to be VERY sore and have lots of bruises.
Almost at the bottom of the slope

But instead landed on my bottom


Sherry said...

I'm proud of you! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Kirk does look like a pro!

steele family said...

Sounds like a great trip! Hope you aren't too sore :(