Friday, August 10, 2007

School Has Started!

Today is Morgan's first day of 4th grade! She's moved up to middle school now, so she's no longer one of the big kids at school. Her school also starts at 7:30 in the morning, which is much different than last year when they started at 8:50. I'm sure she had a great day even though she was upset that none of her friends were in her class...Morgan can make friends with anyone. The top picture is of Morgan today waiting for the bus and the bottom picture is of Morgan on her first day of 3rd grade last year.


Anonymous said...

You are so grown up!! Grampy and I tried to call to see how your day went. Guess you were out socializing!!

Love and miss you!

Sherry said...

She is so grown up! I cannot believe that she is in 4th grade! My LORD! She is so pretty :)

Anonymous said...

Biggest question of 4th grade? I hear that is when they stop doing their homework and sometimes start lying. Oh, those 9 year olds!!!
Ya gotta love them.