Saturday, October 27, 2007

My New Old Job

Well, the reason why I was able to stay for a week in San Francisco with Kirk is because I quit my job at Fore!Kids Foundation and decided to take a MUCH needed break for a few weeks. I hadn't had any time off since January, and after putting in 10-14 hour days (sometimes more) leading up to the Zurich Classic in April, I just couldn't take it anymore. The drive was starting to wear on me, too, and there was way too much drama in my office. I was always exhausted when I got home from work and I pretty much couldn't move on the weekends. And I just wasn't able to spend any time with Morgan and Kirk because I was always working. It was great to have the break but now I'm back at WLAE. Yep, I'm back there for the 3rd time; I just can't stay away. I realized I was always pretty happy there and the drive is much shorter and my co-workers are A LOT nicer. Besides, television is my thing. So now for the first time in a year, I'm happy again.


Anonymous said...

yay for chrishelle!

steele family said...

I hope the move continues to be a source of happiness for you!

Sherry said...

I am so glad for you. Those women were not nice. I am really happy for you - you are SO much happier now! Plus, that drive - yuck!!!

Anonymous said...

job, schmob. Just stay home and have a bunch of babies. Make your husband bring home the dough. Relax and watch a few soap operas!