Saturday, February 16, 2008

Endymion Extravaganza 2008

Me & Mal after a day of hair & makeup
Driving Mal's Green Bug
Gavin, My Bartender
Me, Sherry & Mal
Sisters, Sisters
Eric & Mal
2 Drunk Idiots (aka Kirk & Gary)
Having Fun (wearing part of Kirk's costume on my head)

Are you walkin' or workin'?
Gary's Family (and Kirk)
Kirk & Steve
Saturday, February 2nd was the big day...the Endymion Parade!!! Kirk left early to go to the Superdome for pre-parade things and I headed to Mallory's so that we could get hair & makeup done and run a few errands before the Extravaganza. We had lots of fun, even though it took us forever to get to the Dome and then carry ice chests and food in. Sherry and Gavin joined us, too, and we had a table with Gary and his two sisters. The Dome was packed and the Chee Weez were on stage when we got there. As soon as they were done, the parade started rolling into the Dome. It was so crazy trying to catch beads and things in there but we left with lots of stuff. Needless to say, Kirk, Gary and Steve were three sheets to the wind by the time they got off the float.


Anonymous said...

My favorites are still the ones of us in the car after the hair and makeup (Kids, don't try this at home)...oh, and the caption w/ Eric's pic is perfect!

Anonymous said...

That was supposed to say Mallory, not "m." I accidentally hit enter.