Sunday, July 30, 2006

Julian's Farewell Dinner

A tradition whenever Julian comes in town is to go to dinner with all of the family. We normally go to Piccadilly because that is one of Julian's favorites but this time we went to Macaroni Grill, which I'm pretty sure he enjoyed seeing that he devoured the chocolate cake for dessert. Last night we met Mere, Pa and Granny and Kenny, Jenny, John & Katie for the farewell dinner. Kirk left this morning to fly Julian back to Charlotte. We had a great time this summer with him and we look forward to seeing him again at Christmas. Goodbye, Julian...we'll miss you!!

Update on Harry the Turtle: He's safely in the pond at the front of our neighborhood. Julian and Kirk brought him there on Thursday and said Harry loved being in the pond.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Rummel 20-Year Reunion

Waiting to Bowl

The Class of 1986

The Girls (Yvette, me & Nicol)

The Guys (Kirk, Lee & Gary)

Archbishop Rummel held their 20-year reunion last night (yes, Kirk is THAT old) at Rock & Bowl. We had a lot of fun hanging out w/ Lee and Yvette and Gary and Nicol, and Kirk enjoyed catching up with some of his old buddies. Everyone hung around drinking and talking for a while and then we were the only ones out of the whole reunion group to bowl. Congrats to Lee who won both games. I came in third with a 98 in the first round and then I think I ended up last in the second round. We decided to make a night of it and stayed at the Hotel Monteleone on Royal St. in the Quarter...we also didn't want to drive to Mandeville late at night. The experience at that hotel was MUCH better than what we had experienced at the Astor Crowne Plaza a few weeks ago! All in all, it was a fun night and I'm glad we went. My 10-year reunion is in October...still haven't decided if I want to go or not!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Visit With Granny & Our New Pet

After the zoo, I met the guys at Granny's house and they had a surprise for me in the back of the truck. Kirk was at his office earlier and a turtle had tried following him inside. Well, they decided to keep him and he's in our backyard right now planning his escape. I think Poydras scared him...and wants to eat him! The poor turtle, who is still unnamed, has been walking along the fence looking for a hole so that he can get out! I don't know what we're going to do with him, but we know we need to keep Poydras away!

At the Zoo

Kirk and Julian went to the Audubon Zoo today. Julian also likes to go there everytime he comes in town for a visit.

Poydras' New Sleep Spot

We've discovered that Poydras now sleeps inside the jungle gym. He climbs up the rock wall on the right, sleeps inside and then climbs down the rock wall when he's done. We used to have a dog house for him but he would never go inside of it. Go figure!

Fun in the Sprinkler

Kirk, Julian and his neighborhood friend Randy "built" a sprinkler to run around in over the weekend. Kirk's brother Kenny invented this sprinkler system made of PVC pipes and some sprinkler heads. You can build it any way you want it and create all sorts of different things. Julian and Randy thought it would be cool to make a water slide, so they pretty much built it across the backyard and up the jungle gym to make it sprinkle on the slide. They also had water hitting the swings...very ingenious!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Going Crabbing with Pa

At the boat launch

Julian and Pa enjoying the boat ride

Pulling the net out of the water

Putting the crabs into the hamper

Friday evening, Julian and Kirk hopped on Pa's boat and went crabbing out in Lake Pontchartrain. They had a contest going to see who would catch more crabs in their net...the final score was Julian 9 and Kirk 8. Julian won!! Pa sure knows how to boil crabs. We went to a crab and shrimp boil at the Colgan house last weekend and ate our fill of the delicious seafood. Pa, when's the next crab boil???

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Poydras Gets Shaved

We had Poydras shaved today. We did this last year after Katrina when he had to live indoors with us in Georgia for 2 months. Kirk has allergic asthma and can't be inside very long with cats and dogs. Poydras gets very fluffy in the winter and during the summer he starts shedding his coat, so there's usually wads of hair lying around. He also tends to get matted when his hair gets long, so it's better to get it shaved and just let him regrow his coat for the winter. Poor dog...he looks naked!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Back to Work

I never updated on my old job, but today was my official 1st day back at WLAE. Things have definitely changed over there...different people, different offices, different programs. I have a new boss (my old boss is still there, but things have been reorganized) and I'll be doing some different things. It was kind of slow today but I guess first days usually are. I still have no computer, no phone, no office supplies, but I guess I'm lucky to at least have a desk...and a job. I'm just ready to get back into working on TV projects.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Gavin's 30th Birthday

Choose Your Own Caption:
1) "What do you mean you don't have our reservation??!!"
2) "What do you mean there's no hot water??!!"
3) "You expect me to wear that robe??!!"
4) "We have a view of what?? The Hustler Club!!??"
5) "You're giving me a paper plate?? For cereal and milk??!!"
6) "There's something living under our carpet!!"
7) "You gave THEM a suite and it's MY husband's birthday!!"

"It's past my bedtime...please someone say we're done for the night!"

"I love you, man!!"

The view of Canal St. from our hotel room

Friday night we made it into New Orleans to help celebrate Gavin's 30th birthday. We had dinner at Dickie Brennan's Steakhouse and then went to see the Chee Weez perform at House of Blues. Instead of driving back across the lake after a late night, we stayed downtown at the Astor Crowne Plaza, along with Sherry & Gavin and James & Lauren. Unfortunately we all had a few problems with the hotel but fortunately we were all discounted 50% on the room. It was a really fun night, even though I stayed up WAY past my bedtime!! Happy Birthday, Gavin!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

More Aquarium Pictures


Kirk and Julian went to the Aquarium of the Americas yesterday morning...that's one of Julian's favorite spots to visit when he's in New Orleans. They said it was as good, if not better, than how it was before Katrina. Afterwards they went to Mother's Restaurant with Kirk's friend Gary to have some lunch.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Julian's in Town

On Sunday, Kirk flew to Charlotte, NC and back to pick up Julian. He'll be staying with us for 3 weeks and we're excited he's here! As soon as he got here, he ran into his neighborhood friends and hung out with them for the rest of the evening. Yesterday, I took him to the pool and then he got to help Dad cut the grass on the John Deere. Today we all went to Global Wildlife to see and feed the animals. We met Aunt Jenny and cousins John and Katie there and everyone had a blast! Unfortunately for us, we forgot the camera so we don't have any pictures to post of today's adventures. Julian's not big on having his picture taken anyway, so we'll see how many pictures we can get this summer!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Farmer's Market and Nature Center

Picking out a Watermelon with Grampy

Posing for a Picture

Trying to Hold a Butterfly

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Morgan's Pink Room in Asheville

Here are pics of Morgan showing off her new pink room at Grammy and Grampy's house. She helped Grampy paint it and he said she did an excellent job!! She's a hard worker!!

Morgan Visits Grammy & Grampy

Making a Fleur de Lis out of Floam with Grampy

Morgan and Hannah on a Horse??

Morgan & Hannah at the Tweetsie Railroad

Morgan Feeding the Animals at the Tweetsie Railroad

During our second week in Punta Cana, Morgan was at Grammy & Grampy's house in Asheville, NC. She had fun making things out of floam with Grampy and helping him paint her room pink. She also went to the Tweetsie Railroad and a Nature Center with Grammy, Grampy, Nanny and our cousin looks like they had lots of fun!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Diving Near Catalina Island

Holding a Sting Ray(you can barely see it but it's on top of my right hand)

Kirk Holding the Puffer Fish

Me Holding the Puffer Fish

Spotted Moray Eel