Saturday, January 05, 2008

Birthday Party Time

The biggest slide in Mandeville
The girls hanging out
It's Katie!
Present time, present time, open a present and see what's inside

Mere decided to take a turn on the slide
Is that cake big enough?

Morgan and I sliding
The tent from Grammy and Grampy
This year Morgan wanted a party at the house. I had sworn off house parties since her 5th birthday party, but somehow she talked Kirk into having it at home. She wanted this huge inflatable slide, but of course the girls barely even used it. A lot of her friends came, along with family, and we had a great day with the slide and Kirk's barbecue. Somehow Mo also talked us into having all the girls spend the night. They were supposed to sleep in the tent that Grammy and Grampy bought, but after finally getting them settled in there, one girl mentioned something about a spider, so all 7 girls came back inside. I finally got them re-settled at about 1 a.m. and crawled into bed myself.

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