Saturday, January 05, 2008

Christmas Day!!!

What did we get???
A High School Musical game for the Nintendo DS!
A coat for snowboarding!!
Rock Band!!!!!
Morgan realizes she's going to the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus concert!!!!
A new leather coat for Kirk

New ski pants!!

Snowboarding Boots!!
A new ring from Tiffany's!! (too small though, so had to return for a bigger size)
Poydras got lots of goodies, too!!
A snowboard and bindings for Kirk!!!

We had a really great Christmas this year, even though the kids got us up at 6 a.m!! Everyone got lots of wonderful gifts...Kirk got a new coat, a snowboard and bindings, a sweater and some other great things. Julian got lots of video games, a skateboard, and money. Morgan got apparel for our snowboarding trip during Mardi Gras (she's never been so she needed lots of new things), a DS game, and tix to the Hannah Montana Concert (that was the highlight. The tix were sold out in about 2 minutes and Sherry, Mallory and I were equipped with multiple computers and phones when they went on sale. I was the only one to get through). She and Julian got some joint gifts, such as Rock Band for the Playstation (unbelieveable game that we spent many hours playing as a family...Kirk eventually got kicked out of the band and was replaced by Julian's friend Tommy) and a 6-in-1 game set, which includes chess, checkers, dominoes and backgammon. I received snowboarding boots, new ski pants, and a ring from Tiffany's. And finally, Poydras got lots of treats, bones and a stuffed chew toy that he absolutely loves. We throw it and he'll go fetch it and bring it back to us.
My parents came over for Christmas lunch/dinner since we had already spent Christmas Eve Eve(the 23rd) with Kirk's family. It was really just a laid back day and very enjoyable with lots of yummy food!!


Anonymous said...

you know, you're totally wearing one of my MCA shirts. when do i get it back?

Chrishelle said...

I knew you were going to say that. And it's mine now.

Anonymous said...

um, no it isn't. i let u borrow it and u stole it. i gave u other stuff. thief! haha

steele family said...

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! . . a little late :)

Sherry said...

Ya'll got some good stuff. Morgan's face looking at the tickets made me laugh so hard - priceless!