Saturday, February 16, 2008

Winter Park Day 4

Always on the Lift
A Fuzzy Family Picture
Morgan & Mikayla (holding mine & Kirk's boards)
Morgan & Mikayla Going Tubing
The Icicle on Our Balcony
The very last day was the nicest one outside. It was warm (about 30 degrees) and the sun was out...great boarding weather. Morgan went to her last day or lessons and Kirk and I went back out on the mountain. This time we decided to go up to the Mary Jane and board all the way down to the Village. We lost each other on the way though. I made the turn and Kirk didn't. Morgan made it into Level 4 of lessons and was doing all sorts of tricks and things I couldn't do. I think I need more lessons. That night we took Mo and her friend to Fraser where they have this hill you can tube down. It was pretty cool and the girls seemed to have fun. The next day (Sunday) we packed up and headed back to Denver for our flight home. Morgan had school the next day and Kirk and I had work. We had a great time and can't wait to go again. Hopefully next time we'll be able to take Julian, too. He couldn't go with us this year because he had school.

1 comment:

steele family said...

wow! that is quite a catch up of pictures and posts. looks like a fun vacation!