Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Catalina Island

Town of La Romana Where the Boat was Docked

A Carneceria in the Town of La Otra Banda
(people hang meat on the sides of their houses to sell)

Coral on the Wall Dive

Kirk Stops to Let a Fish Pass

Week 2 was very relaxing. We hit the beach, the pool and the open water for a few dives. On Thursday, we went on an excursion to Catalina Island. It's a 2 hour bus ride down south, then you hop on a boat for about 40 minutes to head towards the island. We did a wall dive on one side of the island and went down 100 ft...that's a record for me! The wall itself probably extended down close to 200 ft and it was amazing! We got back on the boat to dive the other side of the island and we saw lots of sea life. We held a puffer fish and a sting ray and we saw this cool moray eel that swam alongside of us. The diving by the island was MUCH better than the diving by the resort. We got back on the boat to have lunch and relax on the island before making the return trip to the resort. This excursion was definitely worth it!!


Anonymous said...

so when are u taking me on a vacation like this? i've known u for 22 years, so i figure i deserve it.

steele family said...

okay, that meat thing is really gross!

Chrishelle said...

That one wasn't bad. There were some houses that had entire carcasses hanging by their about gross!