Monday, July 03, 2006

Diving Day 1

Since we finally had our dive gear, we booked an afternoon dive for Wednesday. There were only the two of us and Rodolfo the divemaster, so they decided to take the small boat. I already take Dramamine before I dive, but seeing the VERY small boat and the rough, huge waves that day didn't sit well with me. The dive started off well enough. I had to do a backflip entry off the boat, which I had never done before and we saw a sea turtle and a moray eel(pictured above). I love diving with sea turtles...they're such graceful swimmers. About halfway through the dive, I realized something was not quite right. I signaled to Rodolfo that I was going to throw up and needed to surface, so he motioned for Kirk to stay in the water and he brought me up. That picture of me diving is on the way up to the surface. Once I got there, I immediately threw up and Rodolfo and the boat captain pulled all my equipment off. He left me dangling on the side of the boat sick to my stomach while he went back down. He told me to stay out of the boat until he got back. Well after 20 minutes of barely hanging on and being tossed around by the waves(remember, I don't have my BCD on anymore which serves as a life jacket), I made the boat captain pull me into the boat. Apparently Rodolfo had wanted to finish the dive, even though Kirk didn't, and he made them stay down there while I continued to get sick to my stomach. By the time Kirk got back into the boat, I was laying face down in the boat and unable to move...not a good first diving experience there.


Anonymous said...

well this trip sounds exciting

Sherry said...

You actually LOOK like you are getting ready to throw up! Too funny - well, not really for you...

steele family said...

looks beautiful!

Chrishelle said...

It was either throw up in the regulator under the water or get to the surface to do it. The idiot divemaster kept stopping to take pictures of me instead of getting me to the surface. Not fun at all, but yes, the water was beautiful.