Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fun in the Sprinkler

Kirk, Julian and his neighborhood friend Randy "built" a sprinkler to run around in over the weekend. Kirk's brother Kenny invented this sprinkler system made of PVC pipes and some sprinkler heads. You can build it any way you want it and create all sorts of different things. Julian and Randy thought it would be cool to make a water slide, so they pretty much built it across the backyard and up the jungle gym to make it sprinkle on the slide. They also had water hitting the swings...very ingenious!


Anonymous said...

very high-tech sprinkler system. looks like they had fun

Anonymous said...

Poor lower class kids can't even afford a plastic baby pool.

Anonymous said...

these anonymous comments are slightly annoying

Sherry said...

That looks so cool....good job with the invention! That is really economical solution to a freakin' hot summer!