Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Horseback Riding and Bee Stings

Riding Along the Beach

Moro & Flamenco

The Group(we're towards the back)

The Bus Where I Got Stung

We had been in Punta Cana for a week and had finally decided to venture off the property to go horseback riding along the beach. We had to take a 30 minute bus ride to get to the ranch and on the way there I got stung by a yellow jacket. I'm allergic to bees, wasps, anything with a stinger, so I was starting to get nervous that something bad was going to happen. I hadn't been stung since Girl Scout camp when I was little, so I was hoping I had somewhat grown out of the allergy. I guess I had because it only swelled up and got red for a few days and it was kind of itchy. If you plan on going to the Dominican Republic, be sure to bring Benadryl because they don't seem to have it anywhere.

The horseback riding was amazing though! We rode for 2 hours along the beach. My horse's name was Moro, which means "beans and rice," and Kirk's horse was named Flamenco. They looked alike, except mine was a little smaller and scrawnier than Flamenco. Moro liked to eat a lot though! We stopped for a break and he was the only horse eating the grass.


steele family said...

looks like fun!

Sherry said...

That looks fun! Except you look like maybe you were uncomfortable riding Moro - was your butt swollen or something?! :) Just kidding. Next time, pack your benadryl - a nurse's worst nightmare!

Anonymous said...

seems like your horse would be perfect for morgan with the whole eating thing and all.

Chrishelle said...

Yeah, I'm not the most graceful horseback rider...I ended up with huge bruises on the insides of my legs. Plus the bee sting didn't help too much. Morgan is going to have to teach me how to ride.

Moro would have been perfect for Morgan...he kept trying to eat while we were riding! Just like Morgan!

Sherry said...

That's funny!