Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Kirk Loses His Stomach...and His Ring

Around Thursday evening, Kirk started feeling not so great. Thinking it was food poisoning from the chicken he had eaten at the lunch buffet earlier, he avoided it the next day. When it got to be a few days later and he still didn't feel any better, he realized he drank the tap water a few times. Everyone knows you're not supposed to drink the faucet water on islands like that, but he did it without thinking. It's actually odd because they put glasses next to the bathroom sink tempting you to pick it up and get a cup of water, but then they pour you bottled water in all the restaurants. About 5 days and 3 small bottles of Pepto later, he felt better.

We were very lucky to have beautiful weather the whole two weeks we were in Punta Cana. It rained one evening the first week and then downpoured that Saturday all day long. We actually went diving right after the rain started Saturday morning and it was a really cool cave dive. I opted out of the second dive, but Kirk decided to go. Right when I got back to the room, it started downpouring with bad lightning and thunder. Kirk finally made it back to the room a little over an hour later and told me he could see the lightning hitting the surface when he was under the water. It's not exactly good to be out in the water with a metal tank on your back in the middle of a thunderstorm like that, so they had to rush through the dive. During all of this, Kirk lost his wedding ring. Now of course it was his second dive and the water temperature is colder the farther you go down and the longer you stay in the water, your body starts shrinking. He forgot to take his ring off that day, so now some fish in Punta Cana is wearing a wedding ring.


steele family said...

oh no! glad he is okay, that would scare me to see lightning hitting the water while down there.

Sherry said...

That sucks - apparently, it's a guy thing since Gavin is on wedding ring #2 as well :)