Thursday, July 06, 2006

Morgan Visits Grammy & Grampy

Making a Fleur de Lis out of Floam with Grampy

Morgan and Hannah on a Horse??

Morgan & Hannah at the Tweetsie Railroad

Morgan Feeding the Animals at the Tweetsie Railroad

During our second week in Punta Cana, Morgan was at Grammy & Grampy's house in Asheville, NC. She had fun making things out of floam with Grampy and helping him paint her room pink. She also went to the Tweetsie Railroad and a Nature Center with Grammy, Grampy, Nanny and our cousin looks like they had lots of fun!!


Anonymous said...

it was fun

Anonymous said...

We had a great time and can't wait until she returns. We are going to Dollywood, as Hana and Jared are coming for a visit.

Sherry said...

Looks like she had a great time! Grandparents are the best!! The house in Asheville looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

It was a joy to have her. The house is coming along. thanks