Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Poydras Gets Shaved

We had Poydras shaved today. We did this last year after Katrina when he had to live indoors with us in Georgia for 2 months. Kirk has allergic asthma and can't be inside very long with cats and dogs. Poydras gets very fluffy in the winter and during the summer he starts shedding his coat, so there's usually wads of hair lying around. He also tends to get matted when his hair gets long, so it's better to get it shaved and just let him regrow his coat for the winter. Poor dog...he looks naked!


Anonymous said...

haha he does look naked. he's still cute, though. tell him his aunt hattie got shaved, too, and she wasn't too happy about it, according to the groomer. she looks very cute, though.

Anonymous said...


Everything is better shaved!!!

Sherry said...

Awwww...Poydras looks cute! That's how Fudge looks when we shave him. In fact, Fudge is way overdue for a shave...I love how his face is a different color than his body - too funny! Fudge is the same way.