Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Poydras' New Sleep Spot

We've discovered that Poydras now sleeps inside the jungle gym. He climbs up the rock wall on the right, sleeps inside and then climbs down the rock wall when he's done. We used to have a dog house for him but he would never go inside of it. Go figure!


Anonymous said...

haha he's so cute

Anonymous said...

He likes a high view to watch our neighbor in her bikini by the pool.

Sherry said...

That is too funny! That's a talented dog to be able to climb that rock wall. I wonder if Fudge could do that?
That is too funny that he made himself his OWN home...must not have liked the dog house!

Chrishelle said...

Somebody is logging in as me!!! I didn't make that last comment! I'm pretty sure that was Kirk (he's the one who likes to see the neighbor in her bikini)!