Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Visit With Granny & Our New Pet

After the zoo, I met the guys at Granny's house and they had a surprise for me in the back of the truck. Kirk was at his office earlier and a turtle had tried following him inside. Well, they decided to keep him and he's in our backyard right now planning his escape. I think Poydras scared him...and wants to eat him! The poor turtle, who is still unnamed, has been walking along the fence looking for a hole so that he can get out! I don't know what we're going to do with him, but we know we need to keep Poydras away!


Anonymous said...

i had a turtle ran away, though. poor me.

Chrishelle said...

Mine ran away, too.

Anonymous said...

Poor Harry...because Poydras looked at him and thought "LUNCH"...he will be regretfully leaving us for his new home, the pond behind the subdivision, sometime tomorrow morning. Cue the song, "Born Free..." We will miss ya, Harry!

Sherry said...

Did you tell Granny that the camera was the other way? :) She's cute...lil granny!
Hey, Chrishelle, maybe if you keep him, you can feed him applesauce...that'll keep him from running away..or will it?

That's a cute turtle! Julian looks SO much like Kirk!

Anonymous said...

When did ya'll name the turtle Harry??