Sunday, July 02, 2006

We Made it to Punta Cana...26 Hours Later

The airport in Punta Cana

So we finally made it to Punta Cana on Sunday afternoon and were greeted by beautiful weather and a really cool looking airport. We were tired, we were hot and we were dirty and we just wanted to get to the resort and relax. We went to get our luggage, but we waited and waited and ours never came. We had made it to the island, but our luggage hadn't. We had to fill out a report and head to the resort with our two small carry-ons, hoping our luggage would arrive soon. Three of our four suitcases showed up by that night but the one carrying the SCUBA gear(the one my Dad and sister had picked up and brought to the airport for us) didn't arrive. We had already gone to the gift shops to buy a few things we might need so when the luggage arrived, we tried returning everything and apparently on that island you're not allowed to return or exchange anything. But we finally were able to relax and enjoy the resort that evening...for the most part. Our room was really nice and big and the resort was very nice as well. We were bound to have better luck the rest of the trip, right? (Hint: forshadowing of things to come). Poor Kirk didn't have the best Father's Day though. He didn't get to spend the day with Julian or Morgan and then to top it all off, all of this happened!

Our Room


Anonymous said...

well at least ur room was nice...

Sherry said...

Cool airport? It looks like a nice hut!

Chrishelle said...

That's what's cool about it. It was different!