Saturday, January 05, 2008

Christmas Eve

Morgan and I
We got stinkin' socks!!

Julian being goofy before bedtime

Christmas Eve was really nice. I had work in the morning, but then we all went to Christmas Mass with my parents and sister. Afterwards, Kirk, Morgan, Julian and I headed to Macaroni Grille for a yummy dinner and then went home to get ready for Christmas to arrive. We are each allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve, but it can't be any of the big gifts. Julian got a game for his Wii, Kirk got some shirts and Morgan and I got some ski socks. We were jokingly saying that all we got was some stinkin' socks!!


Anonymous said...

Um, it should read "all we got WERE some stinking socks. Plural subject and you can't guess who this is!

Chrishelle said...

Thanks, Mallory!!!

Anonymous said...

haha no problem! How did you ever figure it out?